March 26, 2008
H2 is teething like a hmmm... maybe like a shark. They have lots of teeth, right? He's getting 6 that I can see (he isn't keen on me looking in his wee little mouth at the moment), two of which are molars. His little gums are so swollen that they look deformed. Poor little tyke. He's a bear too, so not much time for mommy to do anything else this week. He just wants to be held by me, presumably so I can't escape his screams. He obviously holds to the "if I suffer, everyone suffers" creed (so do I, so I totally get him).

I'd post some Easter pics for you to peruse whilst I walk a whiny baby, but alas, L forgot to charge the battery and we got nary a one. OK, actually it's my job to charge the battery, but I'd rather blame our lack of photographic documentation of H2's first Easter home on L. Mean, yes, but loads of fun.
Blogger beth said...
Oh the teething. I'm so sorry for you. And for H2. I think we are teetering on the edge of the start of that nightmare here - which seems way too early (he's only 3 months old!) and it is already unpleasant!

Blogger Katrina said...
Yikes. Well I remember the agony of teething (my agony, to say nothing of the kids'), so I hope those little pearly whites pop through quickly!

Blogger TheOilHippie said...
I've got a teething girl too and it is not a whole lot of fun. I will say that now that the teeth are actually starting to pop through she is much less whiney - maybe you are about to turn a corner...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ohhh... that does not sound like fun at all, for aither you or him!! :(

Blogger Jill said...
Porter isn't quite 6 months old and I wonder if that's what has his britches in a wad. He's been a cranky little toot for a couple days and slobbering like a mad man. Maybe I should check his chompers.