May 30, 2005
'Round Here
My boy is home, I'm so happy! Hatchling and I met him at the airport on Saturday night and I've been jolly ever since. It's just wrong of him to leave me like that. Well, maybe not wrong, but certainly not right. What is between the two?

The three of us (Hatchling, Tortoise and myself) spent a long time playing in the back yard today. Hatchling is getting very brave on his little fort, trying to walk up the slide, which he falls off of every ten seconds. He also discovered the water hose, which he kept trying to put in his mouth. Tortoise turned it on for him, and Hatchling took some drinks (I know, it's not good for him, but I did it and I turned out OK). By the time he was tired of the hose, Hatchling was soaked and covered with grass, so we had to come inside and take a bath.

Ahhhh... the lazy days of summer! Starting tomorrow, I must be good on my diet and diligent about my workouts. I have been most lax lately, but that time is over! Seriously, I need to lose 5 lbs before Toni's wedding in July. If I don't, her pictures will not turn out well and I will be responsible for a very costly mistake on her part. That is just more guilt than I can bear....