July 8, 2005
Tiny Bears
Leonardo and I are going on a medical mission trip to Mexico in November, where L will play a pharmacist and I, a pharmacy technician.

I was talking to my WONDERFUL dentist (email me if you a need a good dentist in NW AR) yesterday, who is also going, and we came up with a plan to make little bears to hand out to the kiddies who come through the dentist tent/office.

Last year, the dentists worked the longest, the hardest, and certainly caused the most pain. They mostly did extractions, mostly on children, and mostly without nearly as much medication as I require.

The amazing thing was that these kids were ROCKS. You could see tears in their eyes, but they neither bawled, nor screamed, nor ran away. They just took it- and they were grateful to take it.

Inspired, I am sewing up a bunch of little bears to take with us so they can hug on them when they are hurting. Then, they can take them home with them, hopefully to remember that God loved them so much that he sent them a dentist to help their teeth and His Son to help their souls. If anyone wants to help, just let me know.