February 6, 2006
Those zany Muslims are at it again. I'm sure you have all heard about the cartoons which have them up in arms. Here's a few thoughts I have about the matter.

  • Ahem. CARTOONS. That's right, Mr. Abed Alzawacki, it's a cartoon. Not a BBC docudrama in which the Prophet Muhammad actually teaches his followers how to blow themselves with maximum deadly force at an Al Qaida training camp. In all fairness to your beliefs, if there were a cartoon of Jesus doing something nasty with one of the 12 disciples, I would be offended. But you know what? I figure the son of God can probably take care of anyone who pisses Him off on His own. He really doesn't need me to burn any embassies to get my (or His) point across. I mean, hello, remember the Flood?

  • Does it not occur to you that if you want the world to take your religion seriously (and by that, I mean as something OTHER than a pitiful excuse to kill anyone who makes you mad or is a teeny bit different from you), that perhaps mass riots, burning embassies, and throwing grown-up versions of a hissy fit are not the best way to do that? Wouldn't it be easier to storm into the UN and throw yourself down on the ground, kicking and screaming, right in front of Annan himself? I'm sure that would get some press, and it would cost a lot less money for everyone in the long run.

  • If you live in the Middle East, is there ever an outlet for your anger which doesn't involve destruction of property or life? I mean, come on.... aren't you tired of living like this yet? Don't you long for the bureaucratic coldness of the western world? It's really much more relaxing!

I know there are millions of Muslims around the world who are cringing in shame at the way their brothers are behaving. Just like I'm sure some Christians cringed at the Inquisition. No one (or group of ones) is perfect. I understand, and can even sympathize, with the angst. But seriously guys, it's time to start acting like adults.

Blogger Jill said...
what was that?

Blogger AfricaBleu said...
Bruce is sniffin' glue if he thinks I'm reading all of THAT propaganda - a simple, "I disagree - and God Bless America where I'm allowed to" would've sufficed nicely.


Blogger Katrina said...
Yeah, it's very sad what's going on. I heard tonight on the news that the cartoons in question were actually published over six months ago. Apparently, the Muslim powers that be have spent all that time trying to whip the masses up into a frenzy--the violent acts are only the culmination of that months-long campaign. Violence was the goal, not a side effect.

In addition, the involved parties are asking for a respect that they do not offer to others. Another thing I saw this week was a selection of "political" cartoons that have been published in Muslim newspapers depicting Jews being tormented, denigrated, and blamed for every possible scourge upon the earth. I don't believe this rash of violence is about cartoons at all. It's just another strike against the "infidel". A careful reading of the Qur'an (and I'm not proposing that all Muslims adhere to this tenet of their faith's foundation) reveals only two acceptable ways of dealing with the infidel: conversion or destruction.

Anyway, that's my two cents on a rather explosive topic. I'm thankful to live in a country that allows me to speak it.

Write on, Slush!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bruce, the point is that Christianity IS poked fun at all the time, and Christians understand that the jokes are generally made by those who A. don't understand what they are saying or B. are strong enough in their faith to know that their Savior was once a human man and suffered with the rest of us our human frailties.

I think that the Muslims preach violence. And THAT isn't funny. The reaction to this CARTOON is an abominable ploy to detract from REAL issues.