February 20, 2006
The Climber
Yesterday, L and I were happily ensconced in his office while Hatchling was playing in his room. After a while, we heard a cacophonous crash, followed by the wails of our son. As I sprinted through the house, I reviewed what could have happened, and could think of nothing that would have made so much noise.

Upon reaching Hatchling's room, I saw the dresser (chest? whatever you want to call it... that tall thing in the picture) tipped forward on the floor, and I did not see my son. Screaming for L, I lifted the dresser with my super- human mommy strength (Ok, actually it is a really light dresser. It was cheap...) and looked for the bloody child I was sure was hidden beneath.

Thankfully, there was no blood. Sawdust, I assume from when L and I refinished the dresser while I was pregnant, but no blood. Hatchling was remarkably unscathed. After the briefest of moments in his daddy's arms, he was fine. It took him less time to get over it than it takes for him to get over having his diaper changed.

When L scolded him and asked him if he understood that he was not to climb dressers, he said "No." I assume this means we will need to anchor all furniture to the walls in the future.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
My son did something similar when he was one year old. And might I say that your son's room is abnormally tidy? I remember those days...

Blogger Toni said...
and as a random aside... why do coconuts grown on palm trees? Shouldn't they be called palm nuts? Coco(a)nuts should be on chocolate trees. And, yes, I know that they're not called chocolate trees. Furthermore, do pine nuts come from pine trees? ...I'm surprised he hasn't pulled down that palm tree from the wall by now. Hope it's not up there with pushpins...

Blogger SlushTurtle said...
Kassi- that's because we make him clean it every night before he gets tucked in. I am one mean mommie...

Newlywed- interesting questions you pose, my friend. But then, I would expect nothing less of you. Looking forward to enjoying your company in person this weekend!!!

Does anyone else think it strange that you can stay logged in to blogger and actually post to your blog without so much as a howdy doo, but to post a comment to your own blog you have type in the secret password?

Blogger Jill said...
When my daughter answers "no", it usually means "yes", so maybe that's the case with Hatchling.

That's wild that your hubby is also from Harrison!! I graduated from Western Grove which is about 15 minutes south of Harrison and then moved on up to "town" after high school. If he's around the 30 year age mark, I bet we know the same people!

Blogger Katrina said...
How frightening! I hate that heart-in-your-throat moment when you think a terrible catastrophe has dropped on one of your children!

We had to anchor all of our bookcases to the wall with special hardware, but it's well worth the peace of mind (AND the lost security deposit! LOL...)