November 22, 2006
10 Things I'm Thankful For
  1. That when I checked my credit card statement for the gazillionth time this morning, we had a charge for Julio's DNA test. Now the birthmother can come in for the test and this will move us one step closer to bringing him home.
  2. My wonderful husband, who is nicer to me than he should be, and certainly nicer to me than I am to him.
  3. My sweet little Hatchling, who tells me when anything is wrong, "Don't worry Mommy! I kiss you! You better!!!"
  4. My mother, who not only gave me life, but didn't take it away, either.
  5. A pretty cool little sister, even though I asked for big brother...
  6. My wonderful, warm house, in my favorite neighborhood in town
  7. Our wonderful country, which has allowed us to be among the most wealthy in the world simply by virtue of being born here
  8. All the men and women who serve to keep our country safe
  9. My Lord and Saviour, who sacrificed Himself for my sorry self
  10. My heavanly Father, who sent His son that I might know Him

Happy Thanksgiving all!

Blogger Amy said...
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Sllush!

Blogger Katrina said...
Amen! And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

I love your list; the blessings just seem to multiply once we start counting them, don't they?

Blogger Carbon said...
Yes, hope your Thanksgiving is great :)