January 31, 2007
Stick a fork in me, I'm done
I'm done potty training. And I don't mean done like 'hooray, we're done!' Oh no. No, no, no.

My fabulous Dora/potty train (get it?) poster is put away, the stickers are hidden, the potty is in the closet. No more. I can't do it. I've begged, I've promised, I've bribed, I've cried, I've screamed, all to no avail. I've even confiscated his two most treasured possessions.

And yet, we still have not pooped on the potty one freakin' single time. Not.one.single.time.people.

So, lest I do something that gets me on the 10 o'clock news with a humdinger of a mug shot, I think we had better take a break. I put a diaper back on him and told him he was a baby. He cried. I'm having trouble mustering any sympathy for the little ingrate.

I've created this to commemorate my feelings on the subject.

Let's all pray that I'm a better mommy tomorrow...
Blogger lawyerchik said...
LOVE the mug!! :) If you could make one that says "House training bites" and put a dog on it, I think people would buy that one, too.....

This too shall pass - my mom's favorite saying, and it's actually true. One day, you're going to wake up and go about your day, and Hatchling will be going in the potty all by himself with no accidents. It's just going to happen. I know it. Hang in there.

If he doesn't get it soon, take his diaper off, and his big-boy pants, and let him go around with no pants on at all for a day or two. Yes, it might be messy, but they potty-train like this in third-world countries, and it works.

Apparently, without the clothing on the lower portion of the body, kids figure out quite quickly when they have to go, and since there is nothing there to "catch" it, they figure out what to do.

(It's a thought - a gross thought, perhaps, but a thought.....)

Good luck!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Eh, don't worry. He'll get it. (I say that to you, but on the inside I'm screaming about my daughter NEVER even getting close to the potty because OHMIGOD its something that I WANT her to do and where is the fun in THAT?)

Oh, and Lawyerchik, that might work for some kids, but my daughter? She has no problem pooping on the floor. And I got the poop stains to prove it. ;)

Blogger SlushTurtle said...
Hatchling has never had an accident when naked. He just holds it. He's getting to where he has no wet accidents (except he wears a diaper at night), so it's really just the poo issue. He cried and dragged his potty and stickers back out, so I guess we're not giving up yet. Poor mommy...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm so with you!!! If I had $12.99 to spare, I'd buy the mug as well. Monkey Boy does OK with #1, but he'll wait til naptime when I put the pullup on to poop. Every single day, 5 minutes after the pullup goes on, the poop commences. But he will not go on the toilet. Just will not. He keeps begging for a Tootsie Roll sucker and I keep telling him "Suckers are for pooping, gummy worms are for peeing" and he tries to tell me the opposite. It's a battle of wills, but his suckers are getting awfully lonely! This past week he's been sick with a cold with a little yuck from the medicine so he's been in pullups all week. Sigh. "This too shall pass" is getting old. The girls (now 6 and 8) potty trained in a couple of weeks. This guy is just stubborn!

Blogger Amy said...
it is so difficult. I thin you made the right decision, to just walk away for a bit. I didn't have a huge battle with potty training, but I've heard of people going to great lengths (having their kid clean up the poop) just to get them to learn it. UGH!! I'm feel so bad for you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Time to step away...definitly. It is so frustrating when you know that they know what they are doing...but they refuse. It is the one thing they know they control. Kids are smarter than you think. it will happen, just give yourself time to breathe.