February 8, 2008
My exasperating morning
This kid is driving me crazy.

This morning I heard Hatchling get up and instead of hearing his precious little feet pitter-patter down to give me my magic kisses, I heard lego's being dumped throughout his room (since his room is directly above ours, I can usually tell what he's up to). As any good mother would, I smiled at his adorableness and snuggled under the covers for a bit longer. You know where this is going, right?

Once I was up and went to get Donkey Kong, I was greeted to this sight:

(in case you can't tell, the baby gate is askew. Almost as if someone has been through it...)

And there was this, DK in his crib with a big old pile of toys which I did not put in there... this picture is actually a re-enactment, I don't make DK sleep fully dressed, though now that I think about it , it would make it easier to get to the gym on time in the mornings...

Notice the Elmo chair and lego bucket which were used in this crime. They were used first to scale the baby gate, then to pull items off of the top of DK's dresser. These items included a nearly full bottle of teething tablets, which were spread out all over the floor like confetti. This necessitated picking them all up and counting them (203 out of the 250 originally in the bottle, and we've used some), and a call to Poison Control (apparently, no big deal). There is a reason their number is programmed into my phone.

You know, it's not like we don't baby proof. You'll notice that DK's door also has a doorknob thingy that Hatchling can now outsmart. I guess I'll be collecting all dangerous substances and... well, doing something with them.

I'm really glad this got here today for the gun:

Oh, and at the gym, Hatchling got an incident report for biting someone. When asked by his teacher why he would do such a thing, he responded, "Well... I wanted something to chew on..."
Blogger Katrina said...
Eek! It's amazing how little all that "babyproofing" counts for when you have a determined child on the case. Glad everything turned out okay with the teething tablets!

Oh, and no matter how old I get, the sound of a box full of Legos spilling to the floor will forever be etched on my consciousness. Turns out 3000 Legos take a looong time to pick up.

Blogger Hillary said...
Wait, what?!? Gun? lol... little Canadian me was shocked at the casual reference! I guess it's not all that uncommon in the states, is it?

ok, anyway... yes, it would appear that you have a little Houdini! Good luck with the revamped baby-proofing! :P

Blogger Shan said...
Yikes. This will go on the side "Why I don't think we should obtain another child" on my pro's and cons list-Hardyhar. I don't know if I have the strength. I'm sure he will set the world on fire with his charm though. That's what I tell myself when my second child pulls a bewilderment on me.