February 12, 2008
Perhaps I should invest in some rawhide...
Hatchling had playschool this morning... where he bit his supposed best friend (and by that I mean, Hatchling tries to hold this kid's hand and calls him his best friend, but I think the relationship is a little one-sided). Why would you do such a thing, I ask in horror. "Well, I didn't want to be his best friend anymore..." Ok, for starters, not cool! Secondly, how are you going to handle your first break-up from a girl? I shudder in horror.

Special, special boy.
Blogger beth said...
I don't know, if he bites the first girlfriend while letting her know she's being dumped, it's unlikely that there will be months of her mooning and calling back trying to get back together...he might be on to something previously undiscovered. :)