February 27, 2008
Prepare to be wildly creeped out...
Have you ever heard of the Dyatlov Pass Accident? No? Me neither, at least until I read this article in the San Francisco Chronicle. Holy crap- how is this not a movie yet? Here's an excerpt to whet your palate:

Then, something happens. In the middle of the night all nine suddenly leap out of their tents as fast as possible, ripping them open from the inside (not even enough time to untie the doors) and race out into the sub-zero temps, without coats or boots or skis, most in their underwear, some even barefoot or with a single sock or boot. It is 30 degrees below zero, Celsius. A few make it as far as a kilometer and a half down the slope. All nine, as you might expect, quickly die.

And so it begins.

Why did they rush out, unable to even grab a coat or blanket? What came at them? The three-month investigation revealed that five of the trekkers died from simple hypothermia, with no apparent trauma at all, no signs of attack, struggle, no outward injuries of any kind. However, two of the other four apparently suffered massive internal traumas to the chest, like you would if you were hit by a car. One's skull was crushed. All four of these were found far from the other five. But still, no signs of external injuries.

Not good enough? How about this: One of the women was missing her tongue.

That's right- her tongue was missing. You didn't see that coming, now did you? The official findings of the government inquiry? "Unknown compelling force." I feel better, don't you? Go, read- here's the Wikipedia page too, in case you are as strange, er, I mean, fascinated as me.

Blogger TheOilHippie said...
ok, well thanks or creeping me out. I think I just got my sci-fi fix for the year. :)
This kind of thing actually fascinates me and makes me wonder about all the other things from which we, as civilians, are "shielded". hmmm....

Blogger Aaron and Sara said...
YIKES!!!!! And, I love you too! This thing is just plan old freaky!

Blogger lawyerchik said...
To quote one of my favorite movies: "Well thanks. You can just rock me to sleep tonight!" (From The Replacements - when they're talking about their fears, including spiders, bees and quicksand..... OK, never mind.)

Of course, now I want to read everything that's been written about it to figure out what really happened. :)

Blogger Lisa said...
Thanks, Slush. Your post provided me with at least an hour's worth of online research about this and also a dinner discussion that argued for and against each theory. Thoroughly creepy!

Blogger Shan said...
Oh me oh my!!! I'm definitely going to investigate this one. Thanks for the X-file! I miss that show-Yikes and e-gads! :{