March 2, 2008
And the chorus of angels sang...
Tax return time! In very un- American fashion, we here in Slushville have used ours to pay off our credit card (thank you, adoption tax credit!) Hooray!!!! We've never been without a credit card payment in our marriage- I guess 7 years is the magic number, eh? Now, if only we could get the house paid for, we'd be set...
Blogger Katrina said...
Woot! That's what we did with last year's tax return--paid off all our credit card debt. Feels so good! This year's return is all going to our student loans (and not making much of a dent, but oh, well!)

Blogger beth said...
I am so looking forward to the tax year. He had to go and be born on the 4th of January. ;)

w00t for no credit card payments though!!!

Blogger lawyerchik said...
Congratulations!! :) Good for you!