January 4, 2009
The other night, I went to check on my children as I always do before retiring for the night. Aren't I a fabulous mother? I expect the Mother of the Year team to show up on my doorstep at any moment. At which point I'll have to try and explain the ginormous scratch marring H2's left eye, and frankly, I have no idea how it happened. All I know is, H1 was watching television, I was partaking in a much needed bubble bath, and H2 was safely gated in his room by himself. There was no crying (I would have heard it, I promise), so either it didn't hurt much or it completely knocked him unconscious, and he recovered by the time I was done communing with Calgon. And OK, so perhaps the Mother of the Year team isn't on the way, after all. As usual, I've digressed.

Now back to our story. So, I was checking on the little beasts, and as I entered H2's room, I could hear him breathing, but I couldn't find him anywhere. He wasn't on the bed, as is usual at least 50% of the time. He wasn't on the floor by the bed. He wasn't on the floor anywhere that I could see. I started to freak out a little. But I could hear him, so I wasn't dialing 911 just yet. And then I looked in the closet...

And there the little bugger was, fast asleep in his makeshift toy box.

Now how cute is that? It didn't look very comfortable, so after I laughed a lot and took pictures and called Daddy up to join in the fun, I did move him back to his bed. I'm compassionate, see?

This one is just because they are so cute. L says he has a fat chin, but it's just because he is in a funny position. I promise. Look at that saucy face on H1. Never a dull moment around here.

Blogger Jessica said...
oh my that sweet baby in the toy box...priceless!!

Blogger lawyerchik said...
Isn't it funny how kids find their own little hiding places? What a riot!! Also, LOVED the picture of H1 and L. :) Nothin' better than a happy family picture! :) Happy New Year, Slush!

Blogger PBandJ said...
Oh my Gosh!!! How adorable! It is so funny how kids can fall asleep in places like the high chair or toy box. I guess if you are tired enough...

Blogger Katrina said...
Now, that's funny! I am always amazed by how some kids can fall asleep anywhere. It makes my neck hurt to look at him in there...lol!

Blogger TheOilHippie said...
too funny!!! not at comfortable looking - but very picture-worthy.

Blogger Aaron and Sara said...
CUTE!!! and that hatchling is making the same face you STILL make. so wierd. love the baby bum picture too.